This is a self-supported event, therefore no outside help unless it is commercially available to all. If family or friends wish to visit you during your adventure, they cannot provide assistance (physical or mechanical) or food. Caches are not allowed.
Hotel reservations cannot be made prior to the start of the event.
must complete the course under their own power. Individual riders are prohibited from drafting one another;
will wear a helmet at all times;
must wear a high visibility jersey or vest (Amphipod type vest is acceptable) at all times;
will affix to the bicycle their name and phone number.
Pairs are allowed to combine their resources and may assist each other with mechanical issues. Pairs may draft each other but not other pairs or individual riders.

Bicycles shall:
be equipped with 2 head lights and 2 tail lights. A dynamo power source is acceptable however one of each type of light must be battery operated. A tail light shall be operating at all times. A head light shall be operating one hour before sunset to one hour after sunrise;
have reflective material attached to the rims or spokes in at least 3 locations, as well as on the forks (sides), on the chain stays, seat stays and crank arms.
Every rider must have a working SPOT/Garmin tracker and registered with the event tracking site (Trackleaders). The tracker must be on at all times or at a minimum during movement along the course. Running in "stealth" mode is strictly forbidden and may be grounds for dismissal. Loss of power is not an acceptable excuse; carry a spare set of batteries.
Wearing ear buds is discouraged.
Please familiarize yourself with the event, including the route, safety requirements and the demands of successfully completing the course. If you are interested in participating you should understand the bikepacking culture and honestly evaluate your physical capabilities.
The rider should follow proper road courtesy by staying to the right side of the roadway at all times. Where there are sections of roadway with virtually no shoulder the rider should maintain a position as close to the fog line as safely possible. If the rider chooses to ride in the traffic lane they must be aware of traffic from behind and move to the right to allow the vehicle a safer passing opportunity.
The rider should consider their position on the road with respect to sun orientation and vehicle traffic, and use good judgment if the headlight should be activated. If rider recognition may be compromised by weather (e.g. fog, rain, snow, etc.) the light should be operating.
A rear view mirror is not required but recommended based on personal preference.